A classic with History: San Angel Inn

In Los Cabos by Isabella Moreno

The history of the Hacienda where is located the prestigious restaurant “San Angel Inn”  starts way back in the 17th Century. The land that today form the beautiful residential and gastronomic area San Angel, tended to be isolated by the distance to the Historic Center where the city began to be constructed.  The land ownership changed with ease as they could be stolen by the neighbors or functioned as a form of payment. In 1776 Ramon Goicoechea unifies his lands to establish its Finance: a space supported by the foothills of the Sierra Madre and with sweet waters running down the field, an oasis of freshness and wholesomeness. It was used as the center of pulque producer and as a Carmelite Monastery. In the year of 1906 was split up with the name of “Alavista” by the former owner.

It was then when the destiny of this beautiful Hacienda step to become a famous hotel and a prestigious restaurant under the administration of Madame Roux. During the years of its opening marched through the corridors many characters of the time. Famous artists, intellectuals and foreign characters lived the magic and charm of  the glorious San Angel Inn.

In 1937, the INAH named the San Angel Inn  a “Colonial monument” and its owner, Don Carlos Prieto; distinguished industrial, Mexican writer and musician decides to conduct music concerts and host schools of History of Art and Architecture. In 1963 a group of investors opened the San Angel Inn as we know it today and named it “Old San Angel Inn”.

It continues to feel the nature of Finance and Monastery in the restaurant. It is still surrounded by the most beautiful gardens and has an interior patio where the lunch time can be extended until dinner time. This beautiful place is located south of Mexico City in a privileged area, exhibiting their Mexican colonial interior decorated with colorful flowers and the with the laying shadows of the oldest trees on the central fountains, the atmosphere bring alive the colonial times mixed with perfect food.

Today the San Angel Inn continues to be visited daily by foreigners, artists, families and groups of ladies and gentlemen to enjoy their delicious Mexican food and take the best martinis in the City of Mexico!



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