Xime is a coach and an advocate for self-love, feminism, and women’s leadership, she has mentored more than 1 million professors and students throughout her programs and her highly successful podcast “Ensalada Feminista”, assists women in discovering their best selves.
Name: Xime Arguelles
Facebook: Ximena Arguelles
Instagram: @xime_arguelles
Website: www.ximearguelles.com
Title: Podcast creator, feminist and self-love coach, mentor for entrepreneurs
Pet peeve: people not showing up on time, if you can’t show up in time it means you don’t care, time is precious.
City you live in: Mexico City
Most recent city visited… New York
A typical day in my life includes… I wake up early and the first thing I do in the morning is brew my coffee and come back to bed. I love to start my day bay watching at least half an hour of TV while I enjoy my first coffee of the day, this is my me time. After this I try to exercise before my meetings start, I’m not an afternoon or night workout person so if I don’t do it early in the day it doesn’t get done. During the day I spend a lot of my time in commutes because of Mexico City’s traffic, I have to confess I love this because it gives me the time to listen to my favorite podcasts or current audiobook. I always listen to The Daily podcast from the NYT and depending on the day of the week I change to others. Tuesday is for Botepronto and Wednesdays for Morras Chilangas, these are 2 excellent podcast to stay on top of the political scene in Mexico. Mexican culture relies heavily on food, so I always have some sort of appointment at lunch time and at least once a week I make time to have lunch with my family. The afternoons tend to be quieter, less meetings and I mainly focus on crossing things of from my to-do list. At night you will find me ordering some sushi takeout and a glass of wine, with that I sit down to watch some TV and finish the day.
I was born… in Mexico City
When I was younger, I wanted to be… President of Mexico.
What inspired you to create your own podcast? Fun fact, I hate listening to music when I am on my own so I listen to podcasts or audiobooks all the time. I became obsessed with podcasts around 2017 when I discovered How I built this by Guy Raz. Since then I always knew I eventually wanted to host my own show.
What is the main object of “Ensalada feminista”? Showcase that women empowerment and feminism is not a one size fits all. We all have our own way about it and we are all just doing the best we can.
What has been the most rewarding experience while doing “Ensalada feminista”? When I get DMs from listeners telling me how a specific episode has made an impact in their lives, it fills my heart to know that I am able to impact other women and support them in their journey.
What is the most challenging part of creating a podcast? Getting over the fear or insecurity of “why would anyone want to listen to me?” It was a huge struggle at the beginning, I felt like I had nothing to add to the conversation, I was worried no one would listen to it. I then realized that it doesn’t matter if only 3 people listen to it, if they do I will have impacted their lives even in the smallest bit and that is already fulfilling my mission.

Photos: Xime Arguelles.