Celaya Brothers Gallery

In Architecture & Design by Isabella Moreno

Celaya Brothers Gallery (CBG) is a unique space that challenges the creative limits of the participating artists. A contemporary art gallery with a pro-active offer that invites international artists to develop unique concepts and challenge the parameters of their time.
CBG is based on the participation of the Celaya brothers in the process of the artists and their absolute support in the creative freedom of all their works of art. This is what shapes the gallery spaces.Therefore, CBG is involved in the professional development of the artist, guiding him/her to experiment, risk and explore innovative forms of expression, always maintaining the quality and aesthetic discourse of each style.

Some of the artists that make up the Gallery are: Agostino Lacurci, Juan Carlos Coppel, Camila Rodrigo, Sten Lex, Felipe Pantone, Isabella Huffington and many more.

The brothers Víctor and Ricardo Celaya have in their career numerous art, design and publicity projects for national and foreign institutions, among them are : “Seres Queridos” and All City Canvas initiatives stand out. It was in 2014 that they decided to found the Celaya Brothers gallery, a space that is conceived as an artistic nucleus, almost a creative laboratory, in which the exhibition, sale and encounter with contemporary art productions of artists from different latitudes take place.


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