The Astrologist shares a little bit about her life, biggest inspiration and her journey in the Astrology world.
Name: Astro Mako
Facebook: Astro.Mako
Instagram: Astro.Mako
Title: Astrologist
City you live in: Merida, Yucatán.
A typical day in my life includes… Going to the gym or doing yoga on the beach, replying emails while having breakfast, attending clients, walking my dog, meditation, teaching or learning astrology, writing.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…What I am now… An astrologist.
I’m currently working on… Expanding my network and preparing a masterclass for next year.
Favorite quote… “Everything that happens once can never happen again. But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time”. Paulo Coelho.
Biggest dream…to write a book.

I draw inspiration from … My first astrology teacher.
My favorite place in town to enjoy an authentic meal is…Downtown.
How did you start in the astrology world? I think like everyone else who’s into it… wanting to know what was going to happen.
How can a chart reading change a person’s life? I don’t think that the chart reading can drastically change a person’s life but I do think that Astrology can change a person’s life because he or she will learn a whole new different language, the language of energy. And that’s what we are… The reading can certainly be the first step to get into this world where we do evolutionary astrology, guiding our own stars and using the chart as a powerful and useful self-knowledge tool.
What has been the most rewarding part of your path in Astrology? Getting to know so many people around the world that I wouldn’t get to know ever if it wasn’t for this.