Paty Mier

On The Road With… Paty Mier

In People by Regina García

Her Positive Discipline page on Instagram is followed by more than 20,000 people, in which the mother of two and educator, shares quotes and tips on how to educate with love.

Name: Patricia Mier Olvera

Facebook:  Paty Mier.

Instagram: @patymier

Age: 36

City you live in: Tijuana, México.

Most recent city visited…  Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California.

A typical day in my life includes… Coffee, exercise, reading, being a mom, work and family time.  

I was born… determined.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…  A mom and a teacher. 

My first job was… as a Montessori Teacher.

My favorite thing about traveling is… Learning about different places and cultures.

I’m currently listening to… old music, oops! 

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… My family & my best friends!

One thing I cannot travel without…my skincare products.

I’m inspired by… What my heat says and listening to optimist people.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be… that every single children had access to education. 

The perfect day would be…  Starting my day drinking coffee with my husband with  a beautiful tree as the view. Spending time with my daughters and laughing with my friends with a cup of wine.

My favorite place I’ve visited… Poland and Muir Woods (San Francisco).

My top 3 bucket list destinations: India, Oaxaca and Greek islands.

My life… constantly changing and learning! 

I’m currently working on… New courses for parents. 

Always… Loyal.

Never… Fake (hypocrite). 

Favorite quote… Be yourself.

Biggest dream… To share my convictions with lots of people and to be able to transmit my love for my job. 

My pet peeve(s)… People chewing loudly. 

Favorite food…. Sea food! 

Favorite drink… wine or coffee! Impossible to choose one! 

I can’t leave my house with out.. my phone. 

My worst fear… Stop learning. 

Photographs: Paty Mier.

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