On the Road With…Ruben and Rachel

In People by InMexico.com

Meet Ruben and Rachel, travel bloggers who continue to create amazing content and travel guides for Instagram, brands and their blog.

Name: Ruben Arribas and Rachel Pregunta

Twitter: @GaminTraveler

Facebook: @gamintraveler

Instagram: @gamintraveler

Website: gamintraveler.com

Age: 37 (Ruben) & 31 (Rachel)

Title: Travel Couple

City you live in: Angeles City, Pampanga (Philippines)

Most recent city visited… Our recent tips abroad were to Sanya and Taiwan! Since December, we have been based in the Philippines and traveling around beautiful islands, mountains and cities. We took short trips (4-5 days) in order to catch up with work easily. Our next trip will be in April to Japan and Korea, but we are applying for visas and the process takes so long!

A typical day in our life includes… When we aren’t traveling, we mostly work on our computers during the day, take small walks at night and sometimes go out for lunch or dinner. When we are traveling, we visit the island during the day, try to catch up with work for a few hours and make sure we try something local each day (food, fruits, special dishes).

We were born in… Spain (Ruben) and the Philippines (Rachel).

When we were younger, we wanted to be… Rachel wanted to be a singer or something related to education (teaching kids or helping people with problems).

Our first jobs were… Rachel worked in call centers in the Philippines where she learned English and began her online career. Ruben worked as a taxi driver in Madrid until he started traveling around the world for six years (and sometimes still drives taxis in between trips).

Our favorite thing about traveling is… meeting new people (we met by couch surfing!), sightseeing and trying local food.

If we could have dinner with anyone, it would be… a host in new places – someone who can introduce us to local food and dishes. We love meeting people and each person has a different story about their life which we find so interesting.

One thing we cannot travel without… snorkeling masks since we have been traveling in the Philippines lately. Each beach feels like paradise and you can’t find a place to rent snorkeling masks on local islands.

We’re inspired by… Rachel loves reading business books. Her favorite is “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

The one person who motivates us is… our little one Han who is seven years old. We love traveling with him and he loves traveling everywhere. He is learning a lot and it motivates us to always travel responsible and show him the way.

If we could change anything in the world, it would be… equality as Ruben is from Spain and they currently live in the Philippines. It’s bad to see that everyone does not have the same opportunity and knowledge to education, medicine and hospitals.

Our favorite place we’re visited… Ruben’s favorites are Columbia and Philippines because those countries are amazing. Rachel loved Seville and Paris from their trip to Europe.

Our top 3 bucket list destinations… Japan, Korea and Turkey (we’re planning these destinations next).

Our life… We currently live and travel in a local area in the Philippines, work from home, and go on walks or out to dinner at night. When we are traveling, we always make sure to take pictures at sunrise and sunset. During the day we sightsee, try different food, meet people and catch up with work after the sunset.

We’re currently working on… updating content on our blog from the last trips and planning new ones. We are also doing client work strategy for social media and SEO for them.

Always… look for happiness everyday with a smile.

Never… forget how lucky we are doing the things that we like. We are always thankful and hope we can continue doing this.

Favorite quote… “When there is a way, there is a will.”

Biggest dream… to keep traveling! One of our dreams is to buy a van and live/travel for a few months in Europe and New Zealand (hopefully in 2021).

Our 3 favorite travel influencers to follow… @ellagracedenton, @traveltomtom, @wanderreds

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