Surrealism Inside the Jungle at Las Pozas, Xilitla

In Architecture & Design by Isabella Moreno

Located in the region of the Huasteca Potosina, Las Pozas is located among an abundance of vegetation. It is a jungle garden combined with concrete constructions creating a totally dream-like picture. This space is a great tourist attraction and is the main reason for Xilitla’s popularity.

The idea of this marvelous construction came from the English millionaire Edward James who took refuge in this space during a time in his life. He placed certain columns and sculptures that communicate through mazes and misleading roads. Some of the most known objects are “The Stairway to Heaven” and ” The Road of the Seven Snakes,” where each sculpture represents a capital sin. Each of the sculptures had a process in wood for forming it as if it were a puzzle. A large part of the magic of this place is the feeling of it not being finished; the incompleteness, and at the same time, the presence of the architecture in nature that defies time and space. The vegetation has been commissioned to create a magnificent scenario. In this same area, there are a series of waterfalls, the most beautiful and impressive called “General Waterfall,” and is a natural show.

The typical foods of the region are the delicious zacahuiles and aromatic coffee with piloncillo. In this area it is easy to buy and observe handicrafts, like jewelry, mud figures and wooden utensils from San Pedro Huitzquilico. The huapangueada is the typical music and dance of the region that should definitely be enjoyed.


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