Grecia has spent her career helping brands create better customer relationships through social media, content marketing and public relations. Her passion for visual storytelling and creating a meaningful customer experience has allowed her to grow connections throughout the entire country. The secret is to become a content marketer for a brand that you’re passionate about. She has always sought out jobs that she was passionate about the product and the company’s values. As a result, creating content comes naturally to her because she believes in and feels inspired by the brand. Passion is everything. Make a living doing what you love and you’ll go a long way!
Grecia enjoys sharing the many benefits of yoga, movement and sound healing with the community. Her passion to help others heal, grow, connect and find peace in life really pulled her heart to become a fitness instructor in 2013 along with various Yoga Teacher Trainings and Sound Certifications. In February 2022 she began renting a studio named Biophilia Space, in Phoenix Arizona, to start her own commUNITY and bring vibrational healing to as many groups as possible. She loves the saying, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” A different perspective can bring clarity and show things that might have been missed, which can lead to creative ideas and problem-solving. Helping create an environment that thrives on self-acceptance and love is her priority.

Name: Grecia Guadalupe Gastelum Estrada
Instagram: @_MEEOOW
Title: Social Media Manager + Yoga Instructor/ Sound Therapist
City you live in: Phoenix, AZ
Most recent place I’ve traveled to is: Riviera Maya✨
My favorite place I’ve visited: Amsterdam
My top 3 bucket list destinations: Greece (I must visit the place I’m named after), Thailand, Peru
A typical day in my life includes… Practicing yoga, connecting with my social media clients/communities and being present in the moment with whoever I am with or whatever I am working on.
Never… giving up on my passions and dreams.
Favorite quote… “I am my own muse, the subject I know best.” – Frida Kahlo
My pet peeve(s)… Micromanagement.
I draw inspiration from… Nature. The immense beauty and wonder of the natural world
brings creativity and imagination and infinite potential. I am also really inspired by those I
connect with, if you listen to peoples story with an open heart and mind, you can find the
magic in anyone.
I separate myself from others in my field by… making authentic connections with my
students and clients. Really taking the time to know them, their, goals, dreams and passions.
My greatest career achievement thus far is… helping people find/ remember and tap into
their inner power and potential.
People would be surprised to know… I am an only child.
The project that I am most proud of is… creating a community that comes together every
week where they feel seen, welcomed, supported, and inspired.
Biggest dream… to open my own wellness center to help bring alternative forms of healing to
as many people as possible.