Mexico City’s Anthropology Museum

In Architecture & Design by Isabella Moreno


Whether you are a visitor or resident of the wonderful Mexico City, it is important in these dates to have new goals to achieve, one example can be visit more museums. One of the most amazing characteristics of  Mexico City is that it contains the biggest amount of museums in America and occupies the second place worldwide after London. The amount of art that has this city both in exhibitions in the cellars of the museums and galleries as well as the amount that occurs daily in this same city is endless. One of the museums most emblematic of the city is the National  Anthropology Museum.

The idea of creating the emblematic National Anthropology Museum begins with the few requirements accomplished by the former headquarters at Mexico City’s Downtown, today the National Museum of Cultures. The idea was to design a space that would be eligible to be able to protect, investigate and disseminate the archaeological and ethnographic collections. Construction began in the decade of the 60’s after the constant push of Justo Sierra to create this space. The new museum was raised with the ideological belief to recover the ancient indigenous worlds both past and current, derived from the professionalization of anthropological, archaeological and historical studies.

Both the architecture and construction are ambitious projects that required all capacity and energy to carry out perfectly. The location is at the heart of Chapultepec Park on an area of 70,000 square meters. The strategic location creates a palpable affinity with the natural environment. The design is a reflection of the respect and admiration for pre-Hispanic cultures. The museum is the work of the talented Architect Pedro Ramirez Vazquez, from his office in conjunction with the advice of the Executive Board, was coordinated the archaeological and ethnographic explorations, organizing the transport of large pieces from different parts of the country and oversaw the transfer of all the pieces of the old museum as well as the museographic facilities. The total construction of the museum took nineteen months between February 1963-September 1964. For the full experience it is necessary to witness the place, from the lobby, the incredible central courtyard and the collection that transports you to another universe.



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