Weaving the Courtyard by Escobedo Soliz

In Architecture & Design by Isabella Moreno

Mexico is in a great and beautiful artistic stage. All the potential, production, training and dialog that has been built around the architecture, design and art in Mexico has been recognized around the world. It is a time in which Mexico City is one of the most active and diverse cities for contemporary art. National artists have been positioned in big-name galleries, receiving the top spot in architecture competitions and are increasingly in need to express themselves through different resources, becoming a radiant achievement for the country.

The office of the young Mexican architects, Escobedo Soliz, who graduated from the UNAM, recently were selected to create an installation in the courtyard of the MOMA PS1 in New York. While they were surprised to be selected against many already-established offices from around the world, they became an inspiration for many young Mexican architects.

Winning the contest by generating a speech in space by means of atmospheres is beautiful and admirable. The architects stretched tightened wires between already existing walls in the courtyard, and created smaller spaces like a sandbox, pool and mist room, with the intention to draw attention to the space itself. The installation—as said by Pavel Escobedo in the video that shows the construction of their project—should not generate doubts, but you must provide answers. The clarity and truth in the project is physically reflected in the beauty of the shadows, the texture of the sand and the freshness of the mist and water.


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