Fine Floors

In Architecture & Design by Isabella Moreno

The sum of different elements is what creates a space. These elements are light, location, use of space, materials, ventilation, atmosphere, objects, decor, the sound the materials create, and the people who inhabit it. People feel the total sum of these elements constantly in life: in the streets of any city, when entering a restaurant, visiting a house, walking by a park, etc.

The work of planners, engineers, architects and interior designers begins from creating the concept of any space to choosing the type of objects that live within it. An important aspect to know of a place is what it will offer and to understand the supply of materials and possibilities to create it. Fine Floors is a company dedicated to creating wooden floors with the highest quality, trend and innovation at the global level since 100 years ago. There are 11 types of floors for different needs, from residential to commercial use and products for major developments. Fine Floors unites the most prestigious brands at the global level to delight the view and the passage of all those concerned. Fine Floors offers an incomparable mix of style, beauty, nature and technology in floors. They have showrooms in different parts of the world with one of them located in Polanco, Mexico.


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